Welcome to
Old Union Church’s Website
The vision of Old Union Church is to be a lighthouse serving God and our community by leading others to Christ with prayer, being friendly, studying the bible, loving, praying for the sick, beautifying the church, and working together to support each other as family. We also strive to create growth, especially in our youth program, and be active and dynamic by putting God as the head of the church and using the talents with which we are blessed.
Church Services Times:
Sunday School:
9:30 am
(Opening Assembly in Sanctuary followed by Classes)
Worship Service:
10:30 am
Bible Study:
Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
Group Meetings:
*Old Union Women: 1st Tuesday at 6 pm (February 4th)
by Zoom.
*Old Union Men’s Club: (To Be Announced)
*Youth Ministry: 4th Sunday from 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm
(January 26th) in the Fellowship Hall
5077 Walker Mill Road
Sophia, NC 27350